Sujok Therapy is a broad umbrella. It includes acupressure, seed therapy, acupuncture, colour therapy, twist therapy, direction therapy, smile meditation and many other modalities of treatments. All these treatments are done without use of medicines.
Su Jok Therapy is an excellent way of helping the person to heal by using energy points on the hands and the feet. It is a Korean method of healing that was formulated by the late Prof Park, Jae Woo.
Su in Korean stands for “Hand” and Jok for “Foot”. There is probably no better method in natural method to deal with pain conditions of all types, as well as many other health issues. It is truly a Divine gift that we have a complete clinic for healing on our hands and feet.
This course will cover the various correspondence systems that can be used on both the hands and the feet – the Basic Correspondence System, the Insect Correspondence System and the Mini Correspondence System. You will learn all the correspondence points and ways of stimulating them, including the use of natural seeds and plants.
Seeds are natural stimulators to the acupressure points and are also part of Sujok therapy.
Seed therapy is complementary to sujok therapy. After acupressure treatment one can tie seeds, pulses and legumes at the treated point to supply extra life force to facilitate quick healing. Greengrams, kidney beans and peas are frequently used for treatment. In fact, suitable shape, size and color seeds or beans are picked, for example, for kidney treatment the same shape bean is selected. The selected ones are tied to the pain point with an adhesive plaster.
Course Features
- Lectures 89
- Quiz 0
- Duration
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 5
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes
- People from any educational background can learn it.
- All the course material are online, so there are no additional books or anything else required for this course.
- All the basics of Sujok will be covered in this course, so without any prior knowledge of Sujok anyone can take this course.
- This course will cover the various correspondence systems that can be used on both the hands and the feet – the Basic Correspondence System, the Insect Correspondence System and the Mini Correspondence System. You will learn all the correspondence points and ways of stimulating them, including the use of natural seeds and plants.
- By doing just one course, you can find out treatment point for any painful area in the body.
- There is probably no other natural healing method that is so powerful for alleviating pain, even acute pain, than Su Jok Therapy.
- It explains easy methods of diagnosis and treatment.
- You will receive a personal certificate of completion from Vidya Retreat.
- You don’t need to remember each point for each problem. Sujok Therapy is easy to learn by patterns and formulas.
- It explains Seed Therapy, its principles & associations with Six Ki, methods of use, etc
- The impact of natural materials on humans is interesting as there is a resonance and an energy exchange between the plants resonant energy, and each one differs, and the body’s resonant energy. Given that plants and herbs have been known to be therapeutic for millennia, it is no surprise that this healing energy can be used on correspondence systems of the body.
Target audiences
- You can learn Sujok Therapy for a career in health care also.
- Many people and health professionals from other streams are taking it as a full-time and part-time career option.
- This is a powerful therapeutic tool that all Holistic practitioners would want to have in their toolbox!