- Raw Diet Mastery: Embrace Natural Nutrition for Optimal Heal
In recent years, the raw diet has gained significant attention for its potential health benefits,...
$99.00$5.00 - Certified Blueprint for Personal and Professional Mastery
This course is a comprehensive journey into the principles and practices that lead to unparalleled...
$99.00$5.00 - Mastering Communication & Social Skills : A 3 Weeks Journey
“Mastering Communication and Social Skills: A 3 Weeks Guide to Enhance Your Interpersonal...
$99.00$5.00 - The Secret to Being a Human Magnet- Make Anyone Love You
Introduction: Welcome to “Mastering Interpersonal Attraction: The Art of Winning Hearts”! This course is designed...
$99.00$5.00 - Psychic Self Defense: Mastering Energy Protection
Psychic Self Defense: Protecting Your Energy and Well-being Introduction: In a world filled with various energies...
$99.00$5.00 - Harmonizing with Cosmic Vibrations: Exploring Mantra Yoga
Unlocking the Power Within: A Journey through Mantra Yoga -Secrets of Seed (Bija) Mantras Introduction:...
$99.00$5.00 - Nutrition Strategies for Fighting Cancer
Nourishing the Fight: Nutrition Strategies for Fighting Cancer Introduction: Cancer remains one of the most prevalent and...
$99.00$5.00 - Accredited Nada Yoga Practitioner Course
Exploring the Path of Sound: An Introduction to Nada Yoga Introduction: Welcome to “Exploring the...
$99.00$5.00 - Homeopathic Therapy for Mental Health Issues
Holistic Approaches to Mental Health: A Comprehensive Guide to Homeopathic Treatment Introduction: In an era...
$99.00$5.00 - Certified Family Therapist For Autism
Welcome to Narrative Approaches in Autism Family Therapy, a comprehensive course designed to equip mental...
$99.00$5.00 - CBT for Children & Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders Welcome to...
$99.00$5.00 - Understanding Emotions in HighFunctioning Autistic Children
Understanding and Supporting Emotional Development in Children with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger’s Disorder Introduction: This course...