- Certificate In Su Jok Seed Therapy
Sujok Therapy is a broad umbrella. It includes acupressure, seed therapy, acupuncture, colour therapy, twist...
$99.00$5.00 - Professional Cupping Therapist Certificate Course
Begin restorative cupping therapy today! Find out Himani’s full system in cupping therapy from the...
$99.00$5.00 - Certified Bach Flower Therapist Course – Become a Healer
Flower essences are simple but powerful natural remedies that have gotten much appeal for many...
$99.00$5.00 - Certificate Course In Diabetes Ayurvedic Holistic Treatment
Namaskar, Welcome To Vidya Retreat, This course is going to be super unique as I...
$99.00$5.00 - Accredited Naturopathy Immune Boost Certificate
The Professional Accredited Naturopathy Immune Boost Certificate Course is a comprehensive program designed to equip healthcare...
$99.00$5.00 - Complete Hypnotherapy Diploma Course
Namaskar! Welcome To Vidya Retreat. Welcome To our Complete Hypnotherapy Diploma Course. This Diploma in Hypnotherapy...
$99.00$5.00 - Accredited Brahmavidya Spiritual Practitioner Certificate
The Professional Accredited Brahmavidya Practitioner Certificate Course is a comprehensive and immersive program designed to deepen...
$99.00$5.00 - Most Powerful Ancient SunMeditation Certification+ MP3 Audio
Life exists on planet earth because of the sun. Worshipping the sun has been a...
$99.00$5.00 - Certified Diploma Course In Crystals Astrology
Namaskar, Welcome To Vidya Retreat. Welcome To the Certificate Course In Complete Crystals Astrology. This...
$99.00$5.00 - Angel Therapy/Angel Reading/ Healing Practitioner Course
Kindly Note- This Course is Professional Accredited as you will get a certificate of completion from Vidya...
$99.00$5.00 - Diploma Course In professional Palmistry/ Fortune Telling
Namaskar, Just One Head Line can have hundred’s of combinations and shape, position in different...
$99.00$5.00 - Certified Psychic Defense & Evil Entity Removal Level-2
Have you ever felt negative energy come over you for no apparent reason when you...