
Vidya Spiritual Sansthanam

Courses & Services Available

  1. Vipassana Meditation
  2. Yoga Teachers Training 
  3. Pranic Healing
  4. Reiki
  5. Angel Therapy
  6. Past Life Regression Therapy
  7. Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming
  8. Third Eye Activation
  9. Twin Heart Meditation
  10. Vedic Astrology
  11. Palmistry
  12. Kundalini Activation
  13. Radionics/Pendulum Dowsing
  14. Cord-Cutting in Relationships
  15. Aura Therapy
  16. Divine White Light Protection and Healing
  17. Crystal Therapy 
  18. Mudras – Healing Hand Yoga
  19. Chakra Meditation and Healing
  20. Magnet Therapy
  21. Sujok Marm
  22. Chikitsa 
  23. Colour Therapy
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